Supplements to support your success

Supplements should be exactly that, a supplement and not a replacement for a healthy balanced diet. Many people would like to believe there is a magic pill that you can take and hey presto the fat just melts away. Certainly, the drug industry and the media have done a great job of convincing folks that this can happen. Well sorry to disappoint, but the only healthy way to lose fat is slowly and with smart training, eating well and a little knowledge and support.

You should focus on eating right and allow the supplements to fill any unforeseen gaps in your nutrition. The right supplements can be incredibly beneficial if taken for the right reason and at the right time. 

If you are new to exercise, it is better to look for one big improvement you can focus on; a simple habit that will really move the dial. Rather than disappearing down the rabbit hole of supplementation programmes, why not start with simple changes such as eating more vegetables, or drinking more fluids?

In recent years supplements have split opinions over their benefits and worth. Many believe that all the nutrients the body requires can be achieved through a healthy balanced diet. In years gone by this may well have been true, however, we live in a very different environment to that of our ancestors. Modern lifestyle stressors place a considerably greater load on our bodies today than in previous generations. 

Generally, it is best to think of a supplement as bringing your body back to where it should be, rather than as an enhancement that will allow you to exceed normal optimal balance. The supplement industry is still largely unregulated and manufacturers can make wildly misleading claims about the benefits of supplements and charge ridiculous sums of money for products that in most will achieve little benefit and certainly not those advertised. Speak to one of our qualified trainers about the supplements that work and are worth your hard-earned cash.


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